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Dani Cushman

DaniCushman-before-afterI began my 20/30 Fast Track journey to regain my health. I have lived with chronic pain for 14 years. I suffer from Spinal Stenosis, arthritis, nerve damage, and fibromyalgia. I also suffer chronic migraines and have a few other health problems. I have spent a lot of money on this quest to feel better.

After hearing the health results of this program, I thought, “OK. This is the final straw. I’ll try it and see what happens.” I am pleased to say I FEEL INCREDIBLE. I am no longer experiencing migraines, my brain fog is gone. I have tons of energy. No more stomach bloat and aching. My pain levels are dramatically reduced.

The added bonus for me was in 30 days, I lost 17 lbs. and 17.5 inches. I have continued on to the next phase, and have now lost 23lbs., 4% body fat, and even more inches. I never want to go back to the way I felt before the program.

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